Exceptional Auto Repair Services
Smog Inspections, Diagnostics, and More!
Get superior-quality auto repair services here at AV Smog and Auto Repair in Palmdale, CA. Our team, headed by Jamal Maymoun, specializes in smog inspections, engine rebuilds, tune-ups, brake services, and more. We are backed by impressive skills, knowledge, and experience to successfully perform all the necessary repairs and adjustments on all domestic and imported vehicles. Take advantage of our auto repair services today!
Our Auto Services
Our Auto Technicians Work With
Need Auto Repair Services? Visit Us!
Avoid being stuck on the road with a broken down car when you let the auto mechanics of AV Smog and Auto Repair take care of your vehicle. We promise to transform your four-wheel drives back to their pristine condition so you can enjoy a hitch-free experience on the road. For more information, give us a call or send us a message. You can also check out our Yelp and Google accounts.